
Duration Time
14 days

Digital Marketing Certified Associate (DMCA) is designed to ensure that you are a complete Digital Marketer. You will be industry ready to be part of a high quality digital marketing team, or execute your own digital marketing campaigns. You will acquire requisite skillsets in digital marketing, as well as gain work experience in executing effective campaigns via implementation of real-life projects. This training will provide you hands-on experience in various Digital Marketing disciplines. It will prepare you for certification exams like OMCA (from OMCP), Google Analytics, Google AdWords, Facebook marketing and YouTube marketing.

Topics Covered

Digital Marketing Certified Associate:

Module 01: Introduction
Module 02: Foundations - Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
Module 03: Foundations - Social Media
Module 04: Foundations - Content Marketing
Module 05: Foundations - Email Marketing
Module 06: Foundations - Mobile Marketing
Module 07: Foundations - Pay Per Click (PPC)
Module 08: Foundations - Conversion Optimization
Module 09: Foundations - Web Analytics
Module 10: Tools - Google Analytics: Specific Techniques and Reports
Module 11: Tools - Google AdWords Fundamentals
Module 12: Tools - Facebook Marketing and Advertising
Module 13: Tools - YouTube and Video Marketing
Module 14: Digital Marketing Certified Associate

Advanced Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Module 01: Introduction to SEO
Module 02: On-Page Best Practices
Module 03: Keyword Research and Competitive Analysis
Module 04: Design and Architecture
Module 05: Site Optimization and Best Practices
Module 06: Link-Building
Module 07: SEO for Local Search
Module 08: Conducting SEO Site Audits
Module 09: Critical Algorithm Updates
Module 10: SEO Tracking
Module 11: SEO Career Path
Module 12: Supplemental SEO Tools
Module 13: Advanced Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Advanced Content Marketing

Module 01: Introduction to SEO
Module 02: What is Content Marketing
Module 03: Content Marketing Strategy
Module 04: Executing a Content Marketing Strategy
Module 05: Influencer Marketing
Module 06: Measuring Content Effectiveness
Module 07: Social Media Marketing
Module 08: Blogs and eNewsletters
Module 09: Social Networks
Module 10: Image Marketing
Module 11: Video Marketing
Module 12: Event Marketing
Module 13: Supplemental Content Marketing by Business Size
Module 14: Supplemental Content Marketing by Business Type

The duration for SEO Digital Marketing is::
Regular Track: 75 Hours (37 Days)
75 Hours (19 Days) Exam Duration: 2.0 Hours
Digital EXAM & CERTIFICATION How do you become a Digital Marketing Certified Associate? To become a Digital Marketing Certified Associate you will have to mandatorily fulfill both the following criteria:
Duration: 50 Hours
Number of Question: 250
Passing Score:70
Format: Multiple choices
Who should do this course?

                             Digital Marketing is a growing industry that offers huge career opportunities for individuals. This certification is most suited for:

Aspiring Digital Marketers, to gain entry into the digital marketing industry in the roles of Social Media Analyst, SEO Analyst, Digital Marketing Executive, etc.
Traditional Marketers, to stay up-to-date in an increasingly digital world
Business Owners / Entrepreneurs, to implement effective digital marketing campaigns for business growth
Training - Deliverables
Participation Certificate

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